Les étudiant·e·s du master physique appliquée et ingénierie physique (PAIP) parcours modélisation numérique avancée (MNA) vont s’initier à la modélisation des ouvrages d’hydroélectricité.
Une conférence du Dr. Jean-Jacques Fry aura lieu le 3 février de 16h à 19h et présentera le secteur de l’hydroélectricité : l’apport de cette énergie au réseau électrique, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, sa place en Europe, la composition d’un aménagement hydroélectrique, les défis actuels. La fin de l’exposé mettra en avant les besoins de modélisation et présentera quelques exemples.
Voici quelques informations (en anglais) sur le parcours de Jean-Jacques Fry.
Dr. Jean-Jacques Fry, graduated in 1974 in Hydraulics from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Hydraulique de Grenoble, France, obtained a PhD on Soil Mechanics at Ecole Centrale de Paris (1977). He worked in Algeria at SETI and Laboratoire National des Travaux Publics in Algiers from 1977 up to 1979 and for UNDP/OPE as consultant in Mali, Niger and Cabo Verde from 1979 up to 1982. He joined EDF, the French utility, in 1982, where he was Head of the Geotechnical Section. He has worked as consultant for more than thirty hydropower projects over the world. He was Treasurer and General Secretary of the French Committee on Large Dams from 1991 to 2002. He was Professor of Civil Engineering and Hydraulics in Ecole Centrale de Lyon from 1995 to 2016. He supervised more than 10 PhD and research projects in the field of geotechnic and water retaining structures and wrote more than 120 publications. He is the French representative in the ICOLD Technical Committee on earth dams. He was the chairman of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion and edited a book entitled: “Internal Erosion of Dams and their Foundations” with R. Fell in 2007 and published by Taylor and Francis, London, ISBN: 978-0-415-43724-0. Now he is currently the chairman of the European working group on Dams and Earthquakes and he has edited in 2018 a new book entitled: “Qualification of seismic dam analysis and their equipment” with Norihisa Matsumoto which will be published by Taylor and Francis again. He launched recently a consulting engineering society J-JFRY Consulting on dams and geotechnics. Since 1st of November 2018, he is in charge with ICOLD and Prof. A. Schleiss to managing the European forum “Hydropower Europe”.
Crédit photo : coco – stock.adobe.com